Pokemon emerald 386 rom download free
Pokemon emerald 386 rom download free

pokemon emerald 386 rom download free pokemon emerald 386 rom download free

Definately high quality for any GBA game. Exploring all the nooks and crannies in the region couldn't be more pleasant listening to the sounds of the Hoenn. The cries, unique for all 386 Pokemon, blend with the fun battle music, and this is one of the few games I plug in the headphones and crank up the volume when playing on the laptop. Sound- There is nothing like the nostalgia the sounds of Hoenn bring. It is more tropical than any other region, and from volcanoes, to lush forests, to bustling cities on the coast, and even underwater, it all looks beautiful. Pokemon games offer familiar graphics, and these are some of the best. Game Freak brought animated sprites back for the first time since Emerald, and it adds a change when every battle begins with your Pokemon moving around rather than just sliding into view in a static fashion. Graphics- Compared to other GBA games, this offers some of the best graphics the system can offer. Well, this review will tell what makes the game great, and what parts fall short. The hack is the the perfect Pokemon ROM because it takes away the frustration of not being able to evolve your Machoke or get a Celebi. The hack makes all 386 Pokemon, up to Generation III, obtainable through normal single-player gameplay. There are the usual quirks from Pokemon Emerald, the game this game is clearly based off, plus so much more that makes this a must try. Pokemon Emerald 386 Review by: tj4bigred - 9.9/10 Pokemon Emerald 386 is a Pokemon Emerald 386 is an RGR hack any Pokemon fan should look to first for some fun.

Pokemon emerald 386 rom download free